Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My cutie baby according to my iPhone

Jack is getting so big here are a few photos of my cutie bug

Fresh and unique

Freshly picked is having a super big giveaway and I am crossing my fingers to win for Jack. I love the fringe on these moccasins

Monday, March 25, 2013

A few photos from the hospital

 Jack and Grandpa Fields
Uncle Josh checks Jacks heartbeat
First bath
Skin to skin with mama and dada

 We went for a walk around the maternity ward. It was nice to get out of bed and stretch my legs

 Grandma and Grandpa Conard and Aunt Kaylee love to hold baby Jack

 What a cutie!
Proud parents
Being discharged from the hospital
Notice baby is swaddled in the picture of me in the car...I forgot that you can't swaddle a baby and put him in a car seat. oops

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Birth of Jack Archer

Valentines day started like any other day. I felt fine in the morning and decided to go to the gym where I did yoga and ran a mile on the eliptacle. After the gym, I still felt fine.But by 6pm that night I started to feel some pain which I thought was because baby was moving. When Nathan came home at 7pm, I still didn't think they were contractions. But Nathan pointed out that it was a pain that came and went and wouldn't go away when I moved. Basically the definition of a contraction. And baby was moving A Lot! Nathan could see my belly moving like crazy during dinner and my bump was visibly lower so we started to time my contractions. Which were about 15-20 min apart.

By 10pm i was pretty sure that this was the real deal but still in disbelief. This entire pregnancy I was convinced that this baby was going to be late. Nathan started getting things ready for the hospital, and I tried to managed the increasingly painful contractions. The only problem was that the hospital won't admit me until my contractions were 5 min apart lasting 1min and have been going on for 2 hours. Mine were about 8min apart so I had to deal. Nathan would rub tennis balls on my back to counter pressure the contraction. I also tried a hot shower/bath but didn't find much relief for the back labor I was feeling. Eventually we both tried to get some sleep. Which didn't really happen for me, but Nathan got a few hrs in. I spent the night pacing, cleaning out my bowels (tmi), and tossing and turning in bed.

By 5:40 I woke Nathan up telling him it was time to go. My contractions weren't really 5 min apart, but I didn't want to be in morning traffic. We got everything ready and got in the car a little after 6am and started driving in the car for 2 min, when Nathan realized he didn't have his wallet. So we had to go back home, which I wasn't too happy about. Especially since Nathan asked me 3 times if I had my wallet. Once we were back on the road, I tried to quietly manage the pain. I didn't speak the whole way and kept my eyes shut. Luckily there was only half a mile of traffic right in front of the hospital. We drove around in the parking lot looking for a spot which brought out the crazy pregnant girl in me because they had free valet that we ended up parking in but Nathan took the long way to get there.

Our walk to the maternity ward probably looked ridiculous. I was in my pajamas, no makeup, hair in a high bun, with a blanket wrapped around me hanging on Nathan for support. After we finally got checked in the maternity ward, it was 7am. The nurse asked me stupid questions like "on a scale of 1-10 what is your pain level. And what is your maximum pain level." I obviously said the same number for both. At this point I was feeling nauseated, cold and clammy despite being wrapped in a blanket and was getting the shakes. The midwife did the check to see how far I was dilated and we were surprised to find I was at a 6. I thought I would be at a 4 maybe a 5.

Knowing that the worst was yet to come and I was already in a lot of pain, I immediately asked for an epidural. I figured I would, but wanted to try and reach a 7 or 8 first. Before I could get an epidural, I had to get an IV of fluid in me and I could no longer eat or drink anything, just ice chips. Once I finally got the epidural in it was about 8:45. Which thank goodness for some great nurses who helped me breath through my contractions while they were drugging me up.They checked me again to find that I was at a 7. At first they thought I was at a 10 because of the way I was laying in bed. They had to call the anesteologist back to give me a stronger dose of the drug because I was still feeling my contractions pretty strongly. Eventually I was completely numb on my right side and pretty numb on my left side but could still move my leg around. After getting that epidural, I became a completely different person. Before I wouldn't talk, or answer questions. But once I couldn't feel the pain I was all friendly and making conversation. Right after my epidural, I started to get the shakes so a nurse would hold a blanket on me to calm my body down. At one point, I felt a strong contraction followed by a pop, and I knew my water broke. The nurses eventually left the room and let Nathan and I get some much needed rest. Nathan's brother Josh, who was in San Diego for one last day after doing a rotation at the naval hospital, also showed up too and got to hang out for a while before going to the waiting room.

 By 12pm I got checked again and learned that it was time to push. I tried multiple pushing positions and made Nathan and the orher nurses get me ice chips to eat, cold compress for my forehead and Chapstick. 2 hours later at 2:18pm baby jack was born. While I was pushing Jack out, the nurse told me to reach down and grab my baby so I got to somewhat pull him out and put him right on my chest. Jack didn't really cry at all when he came out. While the midwife and nurses finished getting the placenta out, Nathan cut the cord. When they were putting jack back on my chest, Jack pooped right on my chest and then peed. Luckily the nurses cleaned me up pretty quickly. The nurses then left and we got an hour of just the 3 of us to bond as a new family. Little Jack weighed in at 6 lbs 9oz 20 3/4 inches long. And we are smitten with his cuteness.

 Can we just take a moment to admire how hot Nathan looks with a baby in his arms. Fatherhood suits him well and I am so grateful for all of his help with Jack and around the house. I wouldn't be sane without him. As I am typing this, Jack is asleep on Nathans chest, they look so cute together

More hospital pictures to come later 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patty's

Hope you have a lucky day.
I love my little lucky charm

Friday, March 15, 2013

One Month Old

Baby Jack is One Month old today
Where did the time go 
We love this little boy SO much and can't believe he is ours 
We feel so blessed 
I am still editing my birth story and will hopefully be posting that on here this week
now it's time for me to take my nap with this cutie