Thursday, April 7, 2011

I hate school!

Dear School,
I hate you. You make me stress out. I hate being stressed. I miss out on so many fun things because of the work that tags along with you. For example, my mother got tickets to see the Ellen show today. I was supposed to go. I was planning on going too. But I was so stressed out with school work and internship applications and not being home this weekend that on Tuesday I called my mom telling her that I couldn't go. Well if any of you watch Ellen then you know she likes to give away great things. Last time I went to her show 3 years ago I got a diamond necklaces and a gourmet chocolate cake. Well my mom leaves a screaming message on my phone. When I called back I found out that Ellen invited the whole audience back for her 12 Days of Christmas special. Now if you have seen the show you know that she gives away crazy amazing things for the 12 Days of Christmas. Yes I am sad that I missed this once in a lifetime opportunity. But really I am just angry. I am angry that the month of April is filled with papers, exams, studying, lack of sleep, job hunting, and STRESS! I am so over school and struggling to find motivation. I only have 6 more weeks and then I am FREE! So school I am ready for this up hill battle.  And on May 21st I am gonna kick you butt all the way to Pizza Hut. So get Ready!
Love (but not really),

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