Thursday, August 27, 2009

Summer closing

I cant believe I start school next week!
I am excited
and not
I am excited to be at a new school
Make new friends
That I am decided on my major
(3rd times the charm)
and I am excited to be staying in the San Diego Area
I am not excited for:
Buying text books
waking up early
Nathan doesn't start school for another month
And he ends before me
I also cant believe that Nathan will have his masters in December!
I also cant believe that to the day I have been married for eight months!
And they have been the best eight months of my life!
We are madly in love

PS: I am so excited about my painting
I had to share it


Cori Shaw, MS, RD said...

i LOVE your painting! my birthday is january 27th; however, i accept gifts anytime.

alyson said...

that is a great painting! good job!