Tomorrow marks the beginning of the end
I start my last semester of my undergraduate career
I have conflicted feelings
I am out of my mind excited to be done with school
don't get me wrong, I like school and learning new things
but I hate spending my
Friday nights, Saturday nights, Sunday nights and weekday nights
doing homework
and school stresses me out
I also have mixed feelings about graduating because I am not in love with my major
in fact I want to change it again
but I can't change my major for a 4th time
that's a bit ridiculous
but I have this feeling that I can't do anything with my liberal studies degree
besides teaching and I don't even know if I want to do that
I just feel that once graduation comes I will have a
"now what" feeling
After years of going to school
what am I gonna do when I am done
But before I can graduate
I have to get through this coming semester
It is gonna be a doozsy
I am taking 6 classes=18 units
I want to cry when I think about how stressed I will be
I have already been having nightmares about this semester
Seriously, I haven't been sleeping well
I have had nightmares that I fail a class
or forget about a class and not show up
or that I come to class and find out I am a 2 weeks behind in the semester
I guess I am a little scared for this semester
I know I wont fail any of my classes
but I do know all of my free time will be devoted to school again
Oh well, come May 20th I will be done!
Wish me luck!
I start my last semester of my undergraduate career
I have conflicted feelings
I am out of my mind excited to be done with school
don't get me wrong, I like school and learning new things
but I hate spending my
Friday nights, Saturday nights, Sunday nights and weekday nights
doing homework
and school stresses me out
I also have mixed feelings about graduating because I am not in love with my major
in fact I want to change it again
but I can't change my major for a 4th time
that's a bit ridiculous
but I have this feeling that I can't do anything with my liberal studies degree
besides teaching and I don't even know if I want to do that
I just feel that once graduation comes I will have a
"now what" feeling
After years of going to school
what am I gonna do when I am done
But before I can graduate
I have to get through this coming semester
It is gonna be a doozsy
I am taking 6 classes=18 units
I want to cry when I think about how stressed I will be
I have already been having nightmares about this semester
Seriously, I haven't been sleeping well
I have had nightmares that I fail a class
or forget about a class and not show up
or that I come to class and find out I am a 2 weeks behind in the semester
I guess I am a little scared for this semester
I know I wont fail any of my classes
but I do know all of my free time will be devoted to school again
Oh well, come May 20th I will be done!
Wish me luck!