Sunday, January 23, 2011

The beginning of the end

image via google
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the end
I start my last semester of my undergraduate career
I have conflicted feelings
I am out of my mind excited to be done with school
don't get me wrong, I like school and learning new things
but I hate spending my
Friday nights, Saturday nights, Sunday nights and weekday nights
doing homework
and school stresses me out
I also have mixed feelings about graduating because I am not in love with my major
in fact I want to change it again
but I can't change my major for a 4th time
that's a bit ridiculous
but I have this feeling that I can't do anything with my liberal studies degree
besides teaching and I don't even know if I want to do that
I just feel that once graduation comes I will have a
"now what" feeling
After years of going to school
what am I gonna do when I am done
But before I can graduate
I have to get through this coming semester
It is gonna be a doozsy
I am taking 6 classes=18 units
I want to cry when I think about how stressed I will be
I have already been having nightmares about this semester
Seriously, I haven't been sleeping well
I have had nightmares that I fail a class
or forget about a class and not show up
or that I come to class and find out I am a 2 weeks behind in the semester
I guess I am a little scared for this semester
I know I wont fail any of my classes
but I do know all of my free time will be devoted to school again
Oh well, come May 20th I will be done!
Wish me luck!


Darci Buhl said...

That's what my degree is in and I totally is kind of a stupid major. For me it seems like I'm underqualified for everything because its so general. You can find jobs in education, social work, and public affair type jobs though, so its not a total loss:) Congrats on being at the end...that's so exciting! Oh and I hope you don't think I'm a total downer...I'm sure you will have plenty of success in finding a great job!

Rowdy Family said...

when your done....time for a baby! ;)
good luck this semester

Chelsea Conard said...

That is exactly how I feel! Under qualified for everything. Oh well there is always grad school? (nahh that does not sound like fun)

Meghan said...

I know what you can do after greaduation...My kids need Conard cousins. ;-) And Mom needs more grandbabies to spoil. Lol